European Championships, Warsaw, Poland 2023


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in the competition



Information about the event

More information coming soon! :)

Registration and list of competitors available at: CLICK


5 km
10 km
21 km
4 x 5 km - separate registration

DISTANCE 5 km Nordic Walking categories
- K/M 1 (up to 12 years old) competitors born in 2011 and younger,
- K/M 17 (13-17 years old) competitors born between 2006 and 2010,
- K/M 20 (18-29 years old) athletes born between 1994 and 2005,
- K/M 30 (30-39 years old) athletes born between 1984 - 1993,
- K/M 40 (40-49 years old) athletes born between 1974 - 1983,
- K/M 50 (50-59 years old) athletes born between 1964 - 1973,
- K/M 60 (60-69 years old)athletes born between 1954 - 1963,
- K/M 70 (70-74 years old)athletes born from 1949 - 1953.
- K/M 75 (75 and older) athletes born in 1948 and older
In addition, a category for people with disabilities (4 separate categories).

DISTANCE 10 km Nordic Walking categories
- K/M 1 - competitors born between 1984 - 2007
- K/M 40 - competitors born between 1974 - 1983,
- K/M 50 - athletes born between 1964 - 1973,
- K/M 60 - athletes born between 1955 - 1963,
- K/M 70 athletes born in 1953 and older.

DISTANCE 21 km Nordic Walking categories
- K/M 1 (16-39 years old) competitors born between 1984 - 2005,
- K/M 40 (40-40 years old) competitors born between 1974 - 1983,
- K/M 50 (50-59 years old) athletes born between 1964 - 1973,
- K/M 60 (60-69 years old) athletes born in 1963 and older.

4x5km relay teams
- mixed relay (2 men + 2 women),
- women's relay,
- men's relay.

Classification of Families.

OPEN categories duplicate with age categories.


Rank of the event is European Championship - points conversion factor 5000 (so many points are scored by the best player)

The points you earn count in the following cycles:
- World Nordic Walking League

Regulations of the Nordic Walking World League→ REGULATIONS
Frequently asked questions and answers to them→ FAQ

The exact address of the town of the competition: Warsaw Bemowo - Stadium Military University of Technology, Kartezjusza, 00-999 Warsaw

Accommodation - - CLICK HERE
Accommodation -Google Booking - CLICK HERE

Event program

Saturday 08.07
8:00 opening of the competition office
9:20 official opening of the European Championship
10:00 start 10 km
13:00 start 5 km
15:00 decoration of 5 and 10 km

Sunday 09.07
8:00 opening of the competition office
10:00 start 21 km
10:30 start of the 4x5 km relay
15:00 decoration / closing ceremony of the European Championships


Trasa zawodów


Pakiet Startowy

Starter pack

Each participant will receive

Additionally there will be winnings


Video report from previous events


Photo report from previous events

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