Information about the event
More information coming soon! :)
Registration and list of competitors available at: CLICK
5 km
10 km
21 km
4 x 5 km -
separate registration
DISTANCE 5 km Nordic Walking categories
- K/M 1 (up to 12 years old) competitors born in 2011 and younger,
- K/M 17 (13-17 years old) competitors born between 2006 and 2010,
- K/M 20 (18-29 years old) athletes born between 1994 and 2005,
- K/M 30 (30-39 years old) athletes born between 1984 - 1993,
- K/M 40 (40-49 years old) athletes born between 1974 - 1983,
- K/M 50 (50-59 years old) athletes born between 1964 - 1973,
- K/M 60 (60-69 years old)athletes born between 1954 - 1963,
- K/M 70 (70-74 years old)athletes born from 1949 - 1953.
- K/M 75 (75 and older) athletes born in 1948 and older
In addition, a category for people with disabilities (4 separate categories).
DISTANCE 10 km Nordic Walking categories
- K/M 1 - competitors born between 1984 - 2007
- K/M 40 - competitors born between 1974 - 1983,
- K/M 50 - athletes born between 1964 - 1973,
- K/M 60 - athletes born between 1955 - 1963,
- K/M 70 athletes born in 1953 and older.
DISTANCE 21 km Nordic Walking categories
- K/M 1 (16-39 years old) competitors born between 1984 - 2005,
- K/M 40 (40-40 years old) competitors born between 1974 - 1983,
- K/M 50 (50-59 years old) athletes born between 1964 - 1973,
- K/M 60 (60-69 years old) athletes born in 1963 and older.
4x5km relay teams
- mixed relay (2 men + 2 women),
- women's relay,
- men's relay.
Classification of Families.
OPEN categories duplicate with age categories.
Rank of the event is European Championship - points conversion factor 5000 (so many points are scored by the best player)
The points you earn count in the following cycles:
- World Nordic Walking League
Regulations of the Nordic Walking World League→ REGULATIONS
Frequently asked questions and answers to them→ FAQ
The exact address of the town of the competition: Warsaw Bemowo - Stadium Military University of Technology, Kartezjusza, 00-999 Warsaw
Accommodation - - CLICK HERE
Accommodation -Google Booking - CLICK HERE
Event program
Saturday 08.07
8:00 opening of the competition office
9:20 official opening of the European Championship
10:00 start 10 km
13:00 start 5 km
15:00 decoration of 5 and 10 km
Sunday 09.07
8:00 opening of the competition office
10:00 start 21 km
10:30 start of the 4x5 km relay
15:00 decoration / closing ceremony of the European Championships