Hamr na Jezeře, Czech Republic 2025


Sign up and take part
in the competition



Information about the event


National Cup category

Organizer: Rupertus, z.s., Czech Republic, https://www.nwhamr.cz/
National organizer: Czech-Moravian Nordic Walking Federation z.s., https://cmfnw.cz/zavody/
Organizer of the Nordic Walking World League: Original Nordic Walking Federation (ONWF) ry, Finland https://onwf.org/en/ https://nordicwalkingworldleague.com/

DATE OF EVENT: 3. – 5. 10. 2025
Friday 3. 10. 2025
Presentation in the event centre
Saturday 4. 10. 2025, od 10:00 Race day, NW 10 km, NW 5 km, NW relays, Children's race
Saturday 4. 10. 2025 18:00 evening program with the ceremonial announcement of the winners of the Czech-Moravian Nordic Walking Cup.
Sunday 5. 10. 2025 trips to the surroundings and other program
Accompanying programme for children.

Kemp Zátiší, Břevniště 6, 47128 Hamr na Jezeře, Czech Republic, map: https://mapy.cz/s/nugejuhaba
Accommodation right in the center of the race in the Zátiší camp can be booked on the race website www.nwhamr.cz

- NW 5 km/160 m,
- NW 10 km/320 m
-Map: https://mapy.cz/s/jugozehapo (5 km 1 circuir, 10 km 2 circuits)
More options:
- NW Relay of pairs (2 x 2x 666 m) registration on the race website www.nwhamr.cz or on-site applications, Children's races

Categories, Female F/Male M
5 km Nordic Walking:

  • OPEN F/M (regardless of age)
  • F/M 1-9
  • F/M 10-17
  • F/M 18 – 39 y
  • F/M 40 – 49 y
  • F/M 50 – 59 y
  • F/M 60 – 69 y
  • F/M 70 – 74 y
  • F/M 75+
  • F/M Disabled
10 km Nordic Walking
  • OPEN F/M (regardless of age)
  • F/M 16 – 44 y
  • F/M 45 – 54 y
  • F/M 55 – 64 y
  • F/M 65+
For pupils, adolescents and the age limit of 18 years, the date of birth is decisive, for other categories the year of birth. Participants in the 10 km race must be over 16 years of age on the day of the race, younger competitors can only complete the 5 km race. In both cases, persons under the age of 18 must have the written consent of their legal guardian to participate in the event. For children under 8 years of age, an adult accompany is allowed and recommended. Legal representatives are responsible for kids. People with disabilities will complete the route 5 km.

Online registration:

from - to



Kids under 18 years

Registrace opening to 28.2.2025

500,- CZK

250,- CZK

250,- CZK

1.3. – 7.9.2025

600,- CZK

300,- CZK

300,- CZK

8.9. -28.9.2025

700,- CZK

350,- CZK

350,- CZK

On-line registration will close on 28.9.2025 at 23:59.
Registration at the race site, payment in cash:

Adults 800 CZK
Handicapped and children under 18 years 400 CZK
The entry fee includes: refreshment station on the race route; water and small refreshments at the finish; hot food in the event centre; ionic drink; Starting package; start number and chip; chip timekeeping; participation medal; toilets, showers, announcement of winners and prizes for 1st to 3rd place in categories. The categories for announcing the winners of the on-site race may differ from the ONWF categories.

Applications, registration, payment electronically on the ONWF website https://nordicwalkingworldleague.com/tournaments/hamr-na-jezere-czech-republic-2025, or at the venue until the capacity is filled (300 competitors). Registration is valid on the day of payment- The entry fee in CZK is payable within 3 days of registration, but no later than 30.09.2025, 22.00, the decisive date is the date of crediting to the account. Payment of the entry fee in cash on the spot. Registration for NW relays and other accompanying events on site in the event centre.

Friday 3. 10. 2025, 19:00 až 20:00: in the event centre in the Zátiší campsite, on-site registrations will only be possible until the capacity of the race is filled
Saturday 4. 10. 2025, 8:00 až 9:15, in the event centre in the Zátiší campsite, on-site registration from 8:00 to 9:00
Registration for the NW relay until Saturday 4. 10. 2025 14:00 in the event centre in the Zátiší camp.

The organizer does not take responsibility for damage to property or health related to the travel, stay and participation of competitors in the race. Competitors are advised to secure individual health insurance.

TIMEKEEPING: Electronic, chip.

NORDIC WALKING: Competitors must be equipped with Nordic Walking poles of the correct length and complete the race using Nordic Walking technique. In particular, the following are prohibited:

  • running and jumping
  • walking with a dog
  • headphones
  • Trekking poles
  • Unfair and aggressive behavior

A limited number of Nordic Walking sticks will be available for rent in the event centre, the order of valid registration is decisive. Refundable deposit 1000 CZK. Before the start of the race, there is a mandatory briefing for all competitors. The competition is supervised by referees, who have the right to check the equipment and equipment of the competitor, instruct, warn, stop, penalize or disqualify the competitor on the track. See more https://nordicwalkingworldleague.com/cities-list,2025/hamr-na-jezere-czech-republic-2025 , Regulations button.

RACE RESULTS, PROTESTS, AWARD CEREMONY:The results of the race will be posted in the event center and on the Internet on the ONWF website https://nordicwalkingworldleague.com/ in the Results tab. Protests can be raised to the main referee within 30 minutes after the results of the race are posted in the race center to the main referee together with the deposit of 500 CZK. For the purpose of announcing the winners after the end of the race, the organizer reserves the right to determine the number of categories, (e.g. by combining categories), the method and the award of the winners.

CLASSIFICATION IN THE NORDIC WALKING WORLD LEAGUE AND IN THE CZECH-MORAVIAN NORDIC WALKING CUP: The race in Hamr na Jezeře is part of the ČMPNW and the World League, National Cup category, with a point weight of 1000 points. The following races are part of the Czech-Moravian Nordic Walking Cup (National Cup) (4 races in total):
- Bruntál, 17. May 2025, 2500 point
- Olomouc, Mrsklesy 7. June 2025, 1000 points
- Kutná Hora 26. July 2024, 1000 points

The ranking calculation is given in the Race Rules. The classification of the Czech-Moravian Nordic Walking Cup is entered by a maximum of the 3 best point results of a competitor. The worst result is not counted. It is therefore always worthwhile for the competitor to complete as many or the full number of ČMPNW races as possible and to strive for the best possible time in each race. The more ČMPNW races a competitor completes, the greater the chance of higher points and a better position in ČMPNW.

After the end of the race in Hamr na Jezeře, the winners of the entire Czech-Moravian Nordic Walking Cup will be announced. The overall winner of the Cup cannot be a competitor who has participated in only one ČMPNW race. In this case, the competitor's point result will not be taken into account, and only competitors (category/route) with more than one start will be announced.


  • The organizer has the right to cancel the race if force majeure conditions occur, i.e. extraordinary, unforeseeable, unavoidable and not caused by the organizer (e.g. extreme climatic conditions, accidents, epidemics of contagious diseases, etc.), or due to a regulation or binding measure of a public authority preventing or restricting the organization of the race in the usual scope or quality. In such a case, the organizer may cancel the race without compensation, in the event of a prediction of such conditions, as well as on the day and during the race.
  • In the event of cancellation of the race for the above reasons, the participant is not entitled to a refund of the entry fee, its part or any other compensation, with regard to the costs of the organizer so far reasonably incurred in connection with the preparation of the race.
  • For the above reasons, the organizer reserves the right, among other things, to change, modify or shorten the race route or to change the time program or date of the race. In such a case, the participant is not entitled to a refund of the entry fee or part thereof or any other compensation.
  • Only a competitor with a valid registration (registration and paid entry fee) can participate in the race
  • The competitor must pick up the start number and start package in person at the presentation, or can authorize a representative to take over. If neither the competitor nor his representative arrives at the presentation, all his claims in connection with the race expire without compensation.
  • Each participant of the race declares by registering, paying the entry fee and entering the race that:
  1. Reached the age of 18. Participants under the age of 18 must have the written consent of their legal guardian with them at the presentation;
  2. participates in this race voluntarily and at his/her own risk and is aware that the organizers are not responsible for any injuries and damages incurred during the race event (before, during and after the race);
  3. his health and physical condition corresponds to the requirements and demands of the race and allows him to complete the race;
  4. in the event of an accident, injury, injury or similar event that arises in connection with his/her participation in the race, he/she undertakes not to claim damages against the organizer;
  5. is aware that the organizer is only responsible for the permission to use the place of the competition, in particular for the place of the race center, start and finish. He is not responsible for and gives no warranty for the condition of the track and its operation caused by weather or circumstances beyond his control;
  6. if it is necessary to use a public road, road or other traffic surface during the race, acknowledges that increased caution must be taken on such roads and that traffic rules must be observed;
  7. undertakes to comply with standard rules of fair play;
  8. undertakes to comply with the conditions of nature protection;
  9. by registering for the race, he/she gives his/her consent in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data, as amended, using his/her e-mail address provided during registration for the marketing purposes of the event organizer; the registered person has the right to withdraw his/her consent by e-mail to the address pmarek2008@seznam.cz;
  10. agrees that during the race photo/video materials will be taken that will then be used for press, radio, television, marketing and other purposes of the organizer.

RACE ORGANIZER: Rupertus, z.s., Radčická 143, 460 14 Liberec, Czech Republic

Race Director and Contact Person: Radka Ouhrabková; Tel: +420 737 276 906; E-mail: radka.ouhrabkova@gmail.com

V Hamru na Jezeře 28. 2. 2025



Event program


National Cup category

Organizer: Rupertus, z.s., Czech Republic, https://www.nwhamr.cz/
National organizer: Czech-Moravian Nordic Walking Federation z.s., https://cmfnw.cz/zavody/
Organizer of the Nordic Walking World League: Original Nordic Walking Federation (ONWF) ry, Finsko https://onwf.org/en/ https://nordicwalkingworldleague.com/
DATE OF EVENT: 3. – 5. 10. 2025

VENUE: Kemp Zátiší, Břevniště 6, 47128 Hamr na Jezeře, Czech Republic, map: https://mapy.cz/s/nugejuhaba


Friday 3. 10. 2025:
19:00 – 20:00 Presentation of competitors and registration of competitors on site in the STEAK GRILL & BISTRO HAMR restaurant in the Zátiší campsite, on-site registration

Saturday 4. 10. 2025:
8:00 – 9:15 presentation of registered competitors in the Zátiší camp
8:00 – 9:00 On-site registration
9:15 joint warm-up
9:30 Children's race
9:45 briefing for competitors at the start point
10:00 start NW 5 km, in waves, by age category
10:20 start NW 10 km, in waves, by age category
14:00 award of the winners NW 5 a 10 km
16:00 start NW Relays
18:00 evening program with the ceremonial announcement of the Czech-Moravian Nordic Walking Cup
Accompanying program for children throughout the day

Sunday 5. 10. 2025:
Nordic Walking, joint trips to the surroundings and more

The program is subject to change.

NW Hamr na Jezeře - 5 km okruh

Starter pack

Each participant will receive

Additionally there will be winnings


Video report from previous events


Photo report from previous events

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